Search Results (List)

Dataset: All Collections
Taxa: Eleocharis obtusa (Eleocharis obtusa var. ellipsoidalis, Eleocharis obtusa var. gigantea, Eleocharis obtusa var. jejuna, Eleocharis obtusa var. peasei, Eleocharis ovata var. obtusa, Scirpus obtusus), Eleocharis obtusa var. obtusa, Eleocharis obtusa var. lanceolata
Search Criteria: New York; New York or Queens or Kings or Bronx or Richmond; excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

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Academy of Natural Sciences of Drexel University

Image Associated With the Occurence
Eleocharis obtusa (Willd.) Schult.
PH00657902Eugene Pintard Bicknell   9211891-08-26
United States, New York, Bronx, Prime's, Riverdale

Image Associated With the Occurence
Eleocharis obtusa (Willd.) Schult.
PH00657904Francis W. Pennell   75221916-07-14
United States, New York, Bronx, Jerome Park, 40.880014 -73.890744

Image Associated With the Occurence
Eleocharis obtusa (Willd.) Schult.
PH00657915Eugene Pintard Bicknell   9711893-09-03
United States, New York, Bronx, W side Jerome Park

Image Associated With the Occurence
Eleocharis obtusa (Willd.) Schult.
PH00657920Nathaniel L. Britton   s.n.1889-06-30
United States, New York, Richmond, New dorp Staten island, 40.573994 -74.115976

Brigham Young University, S. L. Welsh Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
Eleocharis obtusa (Willd.) Sch.
BRYV0081057Steven E. Clemants   49941992-08-27
U.S.A., New York, Kings, Greenpoint, East River Waterfront between 7 and N 10 streets., 40.72111 -73.96222

Delaware State University, Claude E. Phillips Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
Eleocharis obtusa (Willd.) Schult.
DOV0045638Jason R. Grant   89-006411989-09-13
United States, New York, Richmond, Staten Island, W side of island, Fresh Kills Landfill

New York Botanical Garden Steere Herbarium

Eleocharis obtusa (Willd.) Schult.
02549534W. N. Clute   s.n.1899-09-01
United States of America, New York, Bronx Co., Bronx Park, 40.856767 -73.875413

Image Associated With the Occurence
Eleocharis obtusa (Willd.) Schult.
2825013E. P. Bicknell   9651895-08-04
United States of America, New York, Bronx Co., Jerome Park, 40.874985 -73.891739

Image Associated With the Occurence
Eleocharis obtusa (Willd.) Schult.
2824481T. W. Edmondson   14231899-06-21
United States of America, New York, New York Co., Mosholu Parkway, 40.884359 -73.887094

Image Associated With the Occurence
Eleocharis obtusa (Willd.) Schult.
2825254E. P. Bicknell   9221906-08-25
United States of America, New York, Queens Co., Long Island, 40.698885 -73.788678

Image Associated With the Occurence
Eleocharis obtusa (Willd.) Schult.
2825070F. W. Pennell   75221916-07-14
United States of America, New York, Bronx Co., Jerome Park., 40.874985 -73.891739

Image Associated With the Occurence
Eleocharis obtusa (Willd.) Schult.
2824666W. H. Leggett   1864-07-14
United States of America, New York, Richmond Co., 40.563893 -74.146169

Image Associated With the Occurence
Eleocharis obtusa (Willd.) Schult.
2824937J. J. Crooke   1871-09-10
United States of America, New York, Richmond Co., 40.563893 -74.146169

Image Associated With the Occurence
Eleocharis obtusa (Willd.) Schult.
2824719E. P. Bicknell   1891-08-26
United States of America, New York, Bronx Co., pond hole in woods, Riverdale, 40.895172 -73.911311

Image Associated With the Occurence
Eleocharis obtusa (Willd.) Schult.
2825226C. A. Hollick   s.n.1886-09-05
United States of America, New York, Richmond Co., Mariners Harbor, Staten Island, 40.63677 -74.158755

Image Associated With the Occurence
Eleocharis obtusa (Willd.) Schult.
2824720S. H. Burnham   s.n.1901-09-30
United States of America, New York, Bronx Co., Van Courtlandt Park near Jerome Ave.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Eleocharis obtusa (Willd.) Schult.
2825255E. P. Bicknell   9221906-08-25
United States of America, New York, Queens Co., N. of Jamaica

Image Associated With the Occurence
Eleocharis obtusa (Willd.) Schult.
2825228A. C. Ferguson   7001921-08-19
United States of America, New York, Kings Co., 40.680417 -73.883834

Image Associated With the Occurence
Eleocharis obtusa (Willd.) Schult.
2825166W. C. Ferguson   7001921-08-19
United States of America, New York, Kings Co., 40.680417 -73.883834

Image Associated With the Occurence
Eleocharis obtusa (Willd.) Schult.
2825012E. P. Bicknell   9211891-08-26
United States of America, New York, Bronx Co., Riverdale, pond hole in woods, 40.895172 -73.911311

Image Associated With the Occurence
Eleocharis obtusa (Willd.) Schult.
2825011E. P. Bicknell   9391880-00-00
United States of America, New York, Bronx Co., swamp, Van Cortlandt Park and vicinity, 40.897877 -73.883469

Image Associated With the Occurence
Eleocharis obtusa (Willd.) Schult.
2824935W. C. Ferguson   49981926-07-08
United States of America, New York, Queens Co., 40.749389 -73.902279

Image Associated With the Occurence
Eleocharis obtusa (Willd.) Schult.
2824938N. L. Britton   s.n.1889-06-30
United States of America, New York, Richmond Co., 40.573994 -74.115976

Image Associated With the Occurence
Eleocharis obtusa (Willd.) Schult.
2824940N. L. Britton   s.n.1864-07-14
United States of America, New York, Richmond Co., 40.563893 -74.146169

Image Associated With the Occurence
Eleocharis obtusa (Willd.) Schult.
2824941N. L. Britton   s.n.1917-09-18
United States of America, New York, Richmond Co., Peat bog, 40.563893 -74.146169

Image Associated With the Occurence
Eleocharis obtusa (Willd.) Schult.
2824942N. L. Britton   s.n.1914-09-03
United States of America, New York, Richmond Co., Woods of Arden, 40.555489 -74.179958

Image Associated With the Occurence
Eleocharis obtusa (Willd.) Schult.
2824944N. L. Britton   s.n.1914-08-16
United States of America, New York, Richmond Co., Bradley Road near Manor Road, 40.605805 -74.131719

Image Associated With the Occurence
Eleocharis obtusa (Willd.) Schult.
2824945N. L. Britton   s.n.1914-09-03
United States of America, New York, Richmond Co., Woods of Arden, 40.555489 -74.179958

Image Associated With the Occurence
Eleocharis obtusa (Willd.) Schult.
2824939N. L. Britton   s.n.1887-11-06
United States of America, New York, Richmond Co., near Court House, 40.563893 -74.146169

Image Associated With the Occurence
Eleocharis obtusa (Willd.) Schult.
2824943C. A. Hollick   s.n.1914-10-08
United States of America, New York, Richmond Co., Silver Lake, 40.624333 -74.095547

Image Associated With the Occurence
Eleocharis obtusa (Willd.) Schult.
2824696E. Yarrow   s.n.1967-09-12
United States of America, New York, Bronx Co., New York Botanical Garden, Native Plant Garden, Streamside

Image Associated With the Occurence
Eleocharis obtusa (Willd.) Schult.
2825062J. H. Barnhart   15491896-07-25
United States of America, New York, Richmond Co., Oakwood, 40.563994 -74.115975

Staten Island Museum

Image Associated With the Occurence
Eleocharis obtusa (Willd.) J.A. Schultes
SIM0009967Andrew Greller   s.n.1987-07-26
United States, New York, Richmond, Blue Heron Park, Staten Island, 40.531111 -74.174444

Image Associated With the Occurence
Eleocharis obtusa (Willd.) J.A. Schultes
SIM0009968Unknown   s.n.1878-08-27
United States, New York, Richmond, Tottenville, Staten Island, 40.511217 -74.249312

Image Associated With the Occurence
Eleocharis obtusa (Willd.) J.A. Schultes
SIM0009969N. L. Britton   s.n.1877-07-00
United States, New York, Richmond, Staten Island, 40.583438 -74.149588

Image Associated With the Occurence
Eleocharis obtusa (Willd.) J.A. Schultes
SIM0009970A. J. Hendricks   53191975-10-01
United States, New York, Richmond, Luten Pond, at NW intersection Luten and Hylan Blvd, Huguenot sect. of Staten Island, 40.525904 -74.189918

Image Associated With the Occurence
Eleocharis obtusa (Willd.) J.A. Schultes
SIM0009971Dana W. Fellows   7921925-07-17
United States, New York, Richmond, Watchogue, Staten Island, 40.612604 -74.1782

Image Associated With the Occurence
Eleocharis obtusa (Willd.) J.A. Schultes
SIM0009972Dana W. Fellows   7881925-07-17
United States, New York, Richmond, Watchogue, Staten Island, 40.612604 -74.1782

Image Associated With the Occurence
Eleocharis obtusa (Willd.) J.A. Schultes
SIM0009973Dana W. Fellows   8301925-07-23
United States, New York, Richmond, South Ave, Staten Island, 40.617093 -74.171663

Image Associated With the Occurence
Eleocharis obtusa (Willd.) J.A. Schultes
SIM0009974Dana W. Fellows   10541925-08-18
United States, New York, Richmond, Manor Rd, Staten Island, 40.604974 -74.12083

Image Associated With the Occurence
Eleocharis obtusa (Willd.) J.A. Schultes
SIM0009975Dana W. Fellows   9831925-08-09
United States, New York, Richmond, Clove Lake, Staten Island, 40.617796 -74.108494

Image Associated With the Occurence
Eleocharis obtusa (Willd.) J.A. Schultes
SIM0009976Arthur Hollick   s.n.1883-08-00
United States, New York, Richmond, Tottenville, Staten Island, 40.511217 -74.249312

Image Associated With the Occurence
Eleocharis obtusa (Willd.) J.A. Schultes
SIM0009977Arthur Hollick   s.n.1882-07-00
United States, New York, Richmond, Tottenville, Staten Island, 40.511217 -74.249312

Image Associated With the Occurence
Eleocharis obtusa (Willd.) J.A. Schultes
SIM0009978Arthur Hollick   s.n.1887-09-05
United States, New York, Richmond, Mariners Harbor, Staten Island, 40.63677 -74.158755

Image Associated With the Occurence
Eleocharis obtusa (Willd.) J.A. Schultes
SIM0009979N. L. Britton   s.n.1914-09-00
United States, New York, Richmond, Woods of Arden, Staten Island, 40.541389 -74.1625

Image Associated With the Occurence
Eleocharis obtusa (Willd.) J.A. Schultes
SIM0009980N. L. Britton   s.n.1914-09-00
United States, New York, Richmond, Woods of Arden, Staten Island, 40.541389 -74.1625

Image Associated With the Occurence
Eleocharis obtusa (Willd.) J.A. Schultes
SIM0009981N. L. Britton   s.n.1914-08-00
United States, New York, Richmond, Bradley Rd near Manor Rd, Staten Island, 40.598913 -74.130786

Image Associated With the Occurence
Eleocharis obtusa (Willd.) J.A. Schultes
SIM0009982N. L. Britton   s.n.1917-09-18
United States, New York, Richmond, Richmond, Staten Island, 40.573994 -74.13042

Image Associated With the Occurence
Eleocharis obtusa (Willd.) J.A. Schultes
SIM0009984Arthur Hollick   s.n.1914-10-08
United States, New York, Richmond, Silver Lake, 40.625278 -74.095833

University of Colorado Museum of Natural History Herbarium Vascular Plant Collection

Image Associated With the Occurence
Eleocharis obtusa (Willdenow) Schultes
01073733William A. Weber   
United States, New York, Richmond

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