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Intermountain Herbarium (Vasc. & Algae) (USU-UTC)

Bionomia dataset badge

Records in this database are of the vascular plants and algae (of which there are very few) in the Intermountain Herbarium. Records for fungi, lichens and bryophytes are now being posted to the taxon-specific networks. The geographic focus of the Intermountain Herbarium is the Intermountain Region of western North America but its holdings come from many different countries. It even has one or more specimens from each of the seven continents. The collection is particularly rich in the Scrophulariaceae (traditional sense), Eriogonum, and grasses, including voucher specimens of plants used by the late D.R. Dewey in his cytogenetic studies of the Triticeae.


  • Kristian R. Valles ( Herbarium Manager), kristian.valles@usu.edu


Intermountain Herbarium
Utah State University
Biology Department
5305 Old Main Hill
Logan, UTAH   84322-5305
United States

Collection Statistics

  • 188,537 specimen records
  • 76,348 (40%) georeferenced
  • 96,554 (51%) with images (100,778 total images)
  • 167,453 (89%) identified to species
  • 370 families
  • 3,022 genera
  • 16,440 species
  • 21,527 total taxa (including subsp. and var.)

Extra Statistics

Collection Type: Preserved Specimens
Management: Live Data managed directly within data portal
Last Update: 2 September 2024
Global Unique Identifier: 06bf658d-f555-4c9c-ab93-fc2d7db7086e
Digital Metadata:EML File
Rights Holder: Utah State University