Collection Profile for: Pacific Union College Hebarium (PUA) Specialty: Vascular plants of coastal regions from San Francisco Bay to southern Oregon; Napa County, California; Klamath Mountains; Arizona; Nevada. Date Founded: 1967.
Collection Statistics
71,338 specimen records
70,168 (98%) georeferenced
68,455 (96%) identified to species 227 families 1,352 genera 5,586 species 6,985 total taxa (including subsp. and var.)
Collection Type: Preserved Specimens
Data snapshot of local collection database
Last Update:
11 October 2021
Usage Rights:
Taxon Distribution
Taxon Distribution
Acacia (13 ) Albizia (7 ) Amorpha (8 ) Astragalus (291 ) Bauhinia (1 ) Caesalpinia (2 ) Calliandra (6 ) Canavalia (1 ) Cassia (8 ) Cercidium (3 ) Cercis (25 ) Cladrastis (1 ) Cologania (1 ) Crotalaria (1 ) Cytisus (27 ) Dalea (39 ) Desmanthus (2 ) Desmodium (9 ) Erythrina (2 ) Eysenhardtia (1 ) Gleditsia (2 ) Glycyrrhiza (5 ) Hedysarum (1 ) Indigofera (3 ) Kuhnia (2 ) Laburnum (1 ) Lathyrus (229 ) Lespedeza (10 ) Leucaena (2 ) Lotus (478 ) Lupinus (629 ) Maackia (1 ) Marina (1 ) Medicago (56 ) Melilotus (45 ) Mimosa (7 ) Olneya (2 ) Oxytropis (11 ) Parkinsonia (1 ) Petalostemum (1 ) Peteria (1 ) Phaseolus (6 ) Pickeringia (28 ) Prosopis (7 ) Psoralea (45 ) Psorothamnus (8 ) Pueraria (4 ) Rhynchosia (3 ) Robinia (11 ) Spartium (10 ) Tephrosia (2 ) Thermopsis (39 ) Trifolium (606 ) Ulex (3 ) Vicia (196 ) Wisteria (9 ) Zornia (1 )