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Fort Lewis College Herbarium (FLD)

The collection specializes in the vascular flora of southwestern Colorado and the Four Corners Region. The herbarium also contains a small ethnobotanical collection transferred in 2013 from the Fort Lewis College department of Anthropology.  Additionally FLD contains a mycological collection of approximately 1700 specimens of principally wood decay and macrofungi with a geographic focus on southwestern Colorado and the greater southwestern United States. This collection is fully digitized and accessible via the Mycology Collections Portal (https://www.mycoportal.org/).  The bryological collection at FLD was transfered in 2008 to UBC and select specimens can additionally be found at CAS and COLO. 


  • Ross McCauley, Curator, mccauley_r@fortlewis.edu


Fort Lewis College Herbarium
Department of Biology
1000 Rim Drive
Durango, CO   81301

Collection Statistics

  • 17,538 specimen records
  • 15,793 (90%) georeferenced
  • 16,658 (95%) with images (16,824 total images)
  • 98 GenBank genetic references
  • 16,947 (97%) identified to species
  • 185 families
  • 886 genera
  • 2,671 species
  • 3,433 total taxa (including subsp. and var.)

Extra Statistics

Collection Type: Preserved Specimens
Management: Live Data managed directly within data portal
Last Update: 29 January 2018
Global Unique Identifier: 815eb8f4-831d-40e7-82dc-a2b5699b04ee
Digital Metadata:EML File