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Utah State University Uintah Basin (USU-USUUB)

The herbarium of the Uintah Basin campus of Utah State University (USUUB) contains about 7500 specimens, all of them vascular plants and most of them collected by Dr. Sherel Goodrich, a botanist with the Ashley District of the US Forest Service who retired in December, 2011. Thanks to the efforts of Dr. Lorin Squires and support by Dr. Goodrich, the Forest Service agreed to transfer the specimens collected by Goodrich to the Uintah Basin campus where they will be available to help those in the area become familiar with and interested in studying the region’s distinctive flora.


  • Shana Geffeney, shana.geffeney@usu.edu

Collection Statistics

  • 7,183 specimen records
  • 6,954 (97%) georeferenced
  • 7,121 (99%) identified to species
  • 99 families
  • 408 genera
  • 1,157 species
  • 1,407 total taxa (including subsp. and var.)

Extra Statistics

Collection Type: Preserved Specimens
Management: Live Data managed directly within data portal
Last Update: 3 November 2020
Global Unique Identifier: 4215983c-e680-4a7b-b6d4-bde630306edd
Digital Metadata:EML File
Taxon Distribution
Taxon Distribution
  • Cleome (10)
  • Cleomella (5)