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Washburn University (WASH)

WASH represents a unique collection of Great Plains flora, mostly collected in pre-development period from 1861-1920. Specialty: Great Plains, especially Kansas. Date Founded: 1878.


  • Jason Emry, jason.emry@washburn.edu


Washburn University
1700 Southwest College Avenue
Topeka, Kansas   66621

Collection Statistics

  • 3,732 specimen records
  • 279 (7%) georeferenced
  • 3,392 (91%) identified to species
  • 132 families
  • 434 genera
  • 862 species
  • 876 total taxa (including subsp. and var.)

Extra Statistics

Collection Type: Preserved Specimens
Management: Live Data managed directly within data portal
Last Update: 8 August 2024
Global Unique Identifier: 7996c323-bb53-4adc-883f-b7db19f03340
Digital Metadata:EML File
Taxon Distribution
Taxon Distribution
  • Agastache (2)
  • Blephilia (1)
  • Cunila (1)
  • Dracocephalum (1)
  • Glechoma (7)
  • Hedeoma (14)
  • Lamium (8)
  • Leonurus (3)
  • Lycopus (5)
  • Marrubium (2)
  • Mentha (9)
  • Monarda (16)
  • Nepeta (7)
  • Ocimum (1)
  • Prunella (8)
  • Pycnanthemum (3)
  • Salvia (12)
  • Scutellaria (22)
  • Stachys (3)
  • Synandra (1)
  • Teucrium (12)