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Arkansas Tech University Herbarium (APCR)

Bionomia dataset badge

APCR comprises approx. 22000 specimens, concentrating on the flora of Arkansas, especially the Interior Highlands. Important collectors whose material is housed in the collection include Maxine Clark, Richard Davis, Delzie Demaree, Dwight M. Moore, E.J. Palmer, and Gary Tucker. The emphasis of our work is the Vascular Flora of Arkansas Project.


  • Arkansas Herbarium Digitization Coordinator: Diana Soteropoulos, diana_soteropoulos@natureserve.org (ORCID #: 0000-0002-4247-1375)


Arkansas Tech University
Russellville, AR   72801
United States

Collection Statistics

  • 15,654 specimen records
  • 1,268 (8%) georeferenced
  • 10,473 (67%) with images (10,551 total images)
  • 15,220 (97%) identified to species
  • 176 families
  • 898 genera
  • 2,571 species
  • 3,017 total taxa (including subsp. and var.)

Extra Statistics

Collection Type: Preserved Specimens
Management: Live Data managed directly within data portal
Last Update: 15 April 2023
Global Unique Identifier: 4fd5c910-57dc-4f77-998c-d3ce5dc1e907
Digital Metadata:EML File
Taxon Distribution
Taxon Distribution
  • Ammannia (16)
  • Cuphea (9)
  • Decodon (4)
  • Lagerstroemia (1)
  • Lythrum (11)
  • Punica (3)
  • Rotala (7)