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Collection Profile for:
Sagehen Herbarium (SCFS)

The Sagehen Herbarium is comprised of two related collections: Flora of the Sagehen Basin (approx. 1600 specimens) and Flora of the Chickering American River Reserve (approx. 200 specimens). Both are designed to be synoptic teaching collections for their respective regions. Sagehen Basin is approximately 8000 acres, and encompasses a diverse cross section of the Sierra Nevada from the Pacific Crest (el. 8000 ft) to the eastern slope (el. 6400 ft). Habitats include yellow pine, mixed conifer, and red fir forests, as well as brushfields, scattered mountain meadows, and fens. Major collectors include E. Davidson, W. Savage, B. Trowbridge, L. Loeblich, J. Ammirati, R. Schmid, M. Fleshner, and J. Brooks.  The Chickering American River Reserve encompasses the headwaters of the North Fork American River, on the west slope of the Sierra Nevada. It includes habitats such as black oak woodlands, montane and subalpine coniferous forests, aspen groves, willow thickets, mixed riparian woodland, wet and dry subalpine meadows, montane chaparral, alpine lake margins, and fell fields. Major collectors are R. Palmer, B. Corbin, S. Chickering, E. Krimmel, and F. Felix. Flora of the Chickering American River is a new collection as of Summer 2013, with the goal of establishing voucher specimens to document this reserve's plant list. Both the Sagehen Creek and Chickering American River collections are actively being added to at a rate of 50-300 per field season.


Collection Statistics

  • 1,870 specimen records
  • 1,797 (96%) georeferenced
  • 1,845 (99%) with images (2,936 total images)
  • 1,802 (96%) identified to species
  • 107 families
  • 301 genera
  • 553 species
  • 664 total taxa (including subsp. and var.)

Extra Statistics

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Collection Type: Preserved Specimens
Management: Data snapshot of local collection database
Last Update: 6 August 2023
Digital Metadata: EML File
IPT / DwC-A Source: Import from CCH2
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