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Field Museum of Natural History (F-Botany)

Phanerogams worldwide with emphasis on tropical and North America, especially rich in collections from Mexico, Guatemala, Costa Rica, Colombia, Venezuela, Ecuador, and Peru; pteridophytes worldwide with emphasis on Guatemala, Costa Rica, Ecuador, and Peru; bryophytes worldwide; mosses of North America, Central America, Andean South America, and Australasia; hepatics of north temperate, South America, and south temperate; all groups of fungi, especially basidiomycetes with emphasis on New World and lichenized fungi of north temperate and Central America; algae worldwide, especially Cyanobacteria; economic botany.


  • Collections Manager: Kimberly Hansen, khansen@fieldmuseum.org


Field Museum of Natural History
Botany Department
1400 South Lake Shore Drive
Chicago, IL   60605-2496

Collection Statistics

  • 222,524 specimen records
  • 62,885 (28%) georeferenced
  • 177,559 (80%) with images (180,619 total images)
  • 213,967 (96%) identified to species
  • 284 families
  • 3,951 genera
  • 29,028 species
  • 31,130 total taxa (including subsp. and var.)

Extra Statistics

Collection Type: Preserved Specimens
Management: Data snapshot of local collection database
Last Update: 21 January 2021
Digital Metadata:EML File
IPT / DwC-A Source:Field Museum IPT instance
Access Rights: http://fieldmuseum.org/about/copyright-information