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Louisiana State University, Shirley C. Tucker Herbarium (LSU-Vascular Plants)

Bionomia dataset badge

Shirley C. Tucker Herbarium at Louisiana State University, Vascular Plant Collection contains 310,000+ specimens. Several regional herbaria are integrated entirely or in part, including NO, LSUS, MCN, NLU, Eglin Air Force Base, and New Orleans Academy of Sciences. Only Tulane University Herbarium (NO) remains a distinct collection.  Geographic distribution is global, but strengths are Louisiana and the southeastern USA, southen California, Colorado Rocky Mountains, Yucatan Peninsula, Colombia and Brazil. Families well-represented include Asteraceae, Fabaceae, Cyperaceae, Rubiaceae, and Poaceae. Significant collectors include: Fr. G. Arsène, L. M. Booth, C. A. Brown, I. W. Clokey, R. S. Cocks, D. Demaree, J. A. Ewan, A. Featherman, A. Gray, J. Hale, J. F. Joor, D. D. Keck, E. P. Killip, J. G. Lemmon, Y. E. J. Mexia, F. W. Peirson, N. F. Peterson, J. L. Riddell, and D. Stone, R. D. Thomas, S. C. Tucker, L. E. Urbatsch, I. Vélez, and E. C. Wurzlow.


  • Jennifer S. Kluse, Collections Manager, jkluse@lsu.edu


Shirley C. Tucker Herbarium
131 Life Sciences Bldg.
Louisiana State University
Baton Rouge, LA   70803

Collection Statistics

  • 313,513 specimen records
  • 26,664 (9%) georeferenced
  • 311,526 (99%) with images (365,735 total images)
  • 304,585 (97%) identified to species
  • 448 families
  • 5,022 genera
  • 26,721 species
  • 31,020 total taxa (including subsp. and var.)

Extra Statistics

Collection Type: Preserved Specimens
Management: Live Data managed directly within data portal
Last Update: 14 May 2024
Global Unique Identifier: fe609977-5b39-49c5-905a-32ca83233244
Digital Metadata:EML File