Collection Profile for: Illinois Natural History Survey (ILLS) The herbarium contains 280,000 plant specimens and the fungarium contains 75,000 fungal specimens. Specialty: Vascular plants and fungi of Illinois, southeastern and midwestern U.S., Great Smoky Mountains National Park; limited neotropical; recent Kyrgyzstan; Rosaceae subfamily Maloideae.Date Founded: 1858.
Illinois Natural History Survey Herbarium
University of Illinois
1816 South Oak Street
Champaign, IL 61820
Collection Statistics
284,778 specimen records
65,937 (23%) georeferenced
55,772 (20%) with images (55,838 total images) 274,832 (97%) identified to species 571 families 3,114 genera 13,747 species 16,050 total taxa (including subsp. and var.)
Collection Type: Preserved Specimens
Data snapshot of local collection database
Last Update:
24 January 2023
Usage Rights:
Taxon Distribution
Taxon Distribution
Agarista (2 ) Andromeda (26 ) Arbutus (5 ) Arctostaphylos (56 ) Befaria (1 ) Bejaria (7 ) Betula (1 ) Calluna (7 ) Cassiope (4 ) Cavendishia (1 ) Chamaedaphne (49 ) Chimaphila (37 ) Empetrum (5 ) Enkianthus (7 ) Epigaea (33 ) Erica (5 ) Eryngium (1 ) Eubotrys (10 ) Gaultheria (56 ) Gaylussacia (146 ) Gonocalyx (2 ) Kalmia (119 ) Ledum (15 ) Leiophyllum (21 ) Leucopogon (1 ) Leucothoe (70 ) Loiseleuria (1 ) Lyonia (116 ) Macleania (1 ) Menziesia (18 ) Mitchella (1 ) Moneses (8 ) Monotropa (126 ) Monotropsis (4 ) Orthilia (17 ) Oxycoccus (1 ) Oxydendrum (35 ) Phyllodoce (7 ) Pieris (21 ) Pterospora (3 ) Pyrola (59 ) Rhododendron (323 ) Styphelia (1 ) Trochocarpa (2 ) Vaccinium (788 ) Woollsia (1 ) Xylococcus (2 ) Zenobia (13 )