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University of Wisconsin-LaCrosse (UWL)

Bionomia dataset badge

Specialty: Western Wisconsin; upper Mississippi River floodplain. Date Founded: 1968.


  • Curator: Adam Schneider, aschneider2@uwlax.edu

Collection Statistics

  • 13,459 specimen records
  • 8,231 (61%) georeferenced
  • 7,875 (59%) with images (7,994 total images)
  • 13,189 (98%) identified to species
  • 92 families
  • 222 genera
  • 899 species
  • 1,060 total taxa (including subsp. and var.)

Extra Statistics

Collection Type: Preserved Specimens
Management: Live Data managed directly within data portal
Last Update: 28 March 2017
Global Unique Identifier: b0178a20-c5d7-11e4-b6af-00163e00498d
Digital Metadata:EML File
Geographic Distribution - Brazil
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