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Mecklenburg County Park and Recreation Herbarium (UNCC-UNCC)

Collection records at UNCC may contain language that reflects historical place or taxon names in an original form that is no longer acceptable or appropriate in an inclusive environment. Because UNCC preserves data in their original form to retain authenticity and facilitate research, we have chosen to facilitate conversations and are committed to address the problem of racial, derogatory and demeaning language that may be found in our database. Insensitive or offensive language is not condoned by Mecklenburg County.


  • Curator: Lenny Lampel, Lenny.Lampel@mecklenburgcountync.gov, 980-314-1085
  • Data Administrator: Mary Wyant, Mary.Wyant@mecklenburgcountync.gov, 980-314-1098


Mecklenburg County Park and Recreation Herbarium
Reedy Creek Nature Center and Preserve
2900 Rocky River Road
Charlotte, NC   28215

Collection Statistics

  • 51,857 specimen records
  • 6,222 (12%) georeferenced
  • 51,741 (100%) with images (52,225 total images)
  • 51,040 (98%) identified to species
  • 314 families
  • 2,108 genera
  • 7,166 species
  • 8,568 total taxa (including subsp. and var.)

Extra Statistics

Collection Type: Preserved Specimens
Management: Live Data managed directly within data portal
Last Update: 19 January 2023
Global Unique Identifier: 827097ef-52b6-4bfc-bdea-45e382fde5b1
Digital Metadata:EML File