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Deaver Herbarium (Northern Arizona University) (ASC)

Bionomia dataset badge

Number of Specimens: 125,000 Specialty: Colorado Plateau, especially northern Arizona; northeastern Mojave Desert; northern Arizona National Parks and Monuments; vascular plants of the San Francisco Peaks and Coconino National Forest. Important Collections: M. Baker; R. E. Collom; C. F. Deaver; D. Demaree; R. K. Gierisch; L. N. Goodding; G. Goodwin; H. D. Hammond; R. H. Hevly; M. E. Jones; T. H. Kearney; Max Licher; E. L. Little, Jr.; V. O. Mayes; A. M. Phillips; G. R. Rink; C. G. Schaack; J. J. Thornber; A. F. Whiting. Incorporated Herbaria: FSLF (1000 specimens) in 1989. Notes: Arizona State College changed to Northern Arizona University in 1966. ASC fungi transferred to MICH in 1998. ASC is temporarily housing NAVA. Date Founded: 1930.


  • General Contact, deaver.herbarium@nau.edu
  • Deaver Herbarium Curator: Tina Ayers, tina.ayers@nau.edu


The Deaver Herbarium; Department of Biological Sciences
Northern Arizona University
P. O. Box 5640
617 South Beaver Street 21/314
Flagstaff, AZ   86011-5640

Collection Statistics

  • 125,239 specimen records
  • 124,836 (100%) georeferenced
  • 123,921 (99%) with images (124,431 total images)
  • 124,156 (99%) identified to species
  • 337 families
  • 2,283 genera
  • 10,949 species
  • 14,148 total taxa (including subsp. and var.)

Extra Statistics

Collection Type: Preserved Specimens
Management: Live Data managed directly within data portal
Last Update: 13 July 2020
Global Unique Identifier: 17a53c97-835b-409e-8a9a-c9a7307a4965
Digital Metadata:EML File
Rights Holder: Deaver Herbarium