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University of Tennessee, Chattanooga (UCHT)


  • Herbarium Curator: Joey Shaw, joey-shaw@utc.edu, 4234254265

Collection Statistics

  • 50,580 specimen records
  • 1,798 (4%) georeferenced
  • 45,286 (90%) with images (45,348 total images)
  • 48,629 (96%) identified to species
  • 245 families
  • 1,559 genera
  • 5,724 species
  • 6,381 total taxa (including subsp. and var.)

Extra Statistics

Collection Type: Preserved Specimens
Management: Live Data managed directly within data portal
Last Update: 29 August 2024
Global Unique Identifier: d77760fa-0a9d-469a-a49f-6c8d519dadc6
Digital Metadata:EML File