Collection Profile for: Bureau of Land Management, Las Cruces District Office (BLM-LCDO) The Las Cruces District Office manages land in Doña Ana, Grant, Luna, Otero, and Sierra counties in southwestern New Mexico. We maintain a reference collection, primarily of plants found on BLM land within the district, to aid plant identification in the office and document some of our activities.
Maria Mullins,, 505-954-2045
Kirsten Romig,
Collection Statistics
2,538 specimen records
433 (17%) georeferenced
10 (0.39%) with images (10 total images) 2,516 (99%) identified to species 97 families 530 genera 1,043 species 1,221 total taxa (including subsp. and var.)
Collection Type: Preserved Specimens
Live Data managed directly within data portal
Last Update:
18 October 2016
Global Unique Identifier: b15cc20f-82fe-4c2f-9eda-43514748112c
Usage Rights:
Taxon Distribution
Taxon Distribution
Achnatherum (12 ) Aegilops (2 ) Agropyron (2 ) Agrostis (4 ) Alopecurus (1 ) Andropogon (6 ) Aristida (30 ) Arrhenatherum (1 ) Arundo (1 ) Bothriochloa (15 ) Bouteloua (44 ) Bromus (18 ) Cenchrus (2 ) Chloris (8 ) Cinna (2 ) Cottea (3 ) Cynodon (2 ) Dasyochloa (1 ) Diarrhena (1 ) Digitaria (13 ) Distichlis (1 ) Echinochloa (5 ) Eleusine (1 ) Elionurus (2 ) Elymus (5 ) Enneapogon (6 ) Eragrostis (36 ) Eremopyrum (1 ) Eriochloa (2 ) Erioneuron (5 ) Festuca (1 ) Hesperostipa (1 ) Heteropogon (1 ) Hilaria (1 ) Hordeum (7 ) Koeleria (5 ) Leersia (4 ) Leptochloa (12 ) Leptoloma (5 ) Leymus (2 ) Lolium (1 ) Lycurus (2 ) Melica (2 ) Melinis (5 ) Muhlenbergia (54 ) Nassella (2 ) Panicum (35 ) Pascopyrum (1 ) Paspalum (10 ) Pennisetum (1 ) Phalaris (1 ) Piptochaetium (2 ) Pleuraphis (7 ) Poa (10 ) Polypogon (9 ) Pseudoroegneria (1 ) Puccinellia (2 ) Schedonnardus (2 ) Schismus (2 ) Schizachyrium (5 ) Scleropogon (6 ) Setaria (13 ) Sorghastrum (1 ) Sorghum (1 ) Spartina (1 ) Sphenopholis (4 ) Sporobolus (62 ) Thinopyrum (1 ) Trachypogon (1 ) Tragus (3 ) Trichloris (1 ) Tridens (13 ) Triplasis (1 ) Tripsacum (1 ) Trisetum (4 ) Urochloa (3 ) Vulpia (5 )