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East Tennessee State University, John C. Warden Herbarium (ETSU)

Bionomia dataset badge

Permanently closed and transferred to the University of Tennessee - Knoxville Herbarium (TENN) in April 2024.


  • ETSU Curator, retired: Tim McDowell, MCDOWELT@mail.etsu.edu
  • Collections Manager: Margaret Oliver, molive18@utk.edu, 865-974-6213
  • Herbarium Director: Jessica Budke, jbudke@utk.edu


University of Tennessee Herbarium - University of Tennessee
College of Arts and Sciences, Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
1818 Andy Holt Ave.
Temple Hall
Knoxville, TN   37996-2800
[1] 865 974 6213

Collection Statistics

  • 36,396 specimen records
  • 4,334 (12%) georeferenced
  • 31,531 (87%) with images (31,545 total images)
  • 29,192 (80%) identified to species
  • 266 families
  • 1,075 genera
  • 3,212 species
  • 3,829 total taxa (including subsp. and var.)

Extra Statistics

Collection Type: Preserved Specimens
Management: Live Data managed directly within data portal
Last Update: 25 February 2021
Global Unique Identifier: 1d328472-3b59-43d8-834c-385410415424
Digital Metadata:EML File
Geographic Distribution - Indonesia
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