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Collection Profile for:
Prairie Fen Biodiversity Project (PFBP-Observations)

Since 2012, the Prairie Fen Biodiversity Project (PFBP) has collected baseline plant diversity data in prairie fens to investigate drivers of biodiversity in these diverse systems. Prairie fen wetlands are globally vulnerable wetlands that provide habitat for over 35 state (i.e., Michigan) and federally listed species and function at the headwaters for several major watersheds. These at risk habitats are of high conservation concern and are heavily managed at the local, state, and federal level.

The Prairie Fen Biodiversity Project began in 2012 as a part of the Master's thesis of Central Michigan University student Rachel A Hackett working with Professor Anna K Monfils. The project was continued and expanded by Clint D Pogue in 2014, and has since been a focus of the graduate students in Monfils' laboratory. The original project focused on plant diversity which has expanded to several listed species and pollinators of prairie fen wetlands.

This project has expanded into a Prairie Fen Research Collaborative (https://www.researchgate.net/project/Prairie-Fen-Research-Collaborative) that includes several Central Michigan University professors and studies and scientists at the Michigan Natural Features Inventory. The goal of the Prairie Fen Research Collaborative is to conduct research that addresses knowledge gaps hindering the conservation of prairie fen biodiversity and improve the efficacy of prairie fen research, monitoring, and management. By accruing knowledge and creating new tools, we help a variety of agencies and organizations working to conserve prairie fens for the benefit of unique species and people.

Plant species list can be found at http://midwestherbaria.org/portal/projects/index.php?pid=113.


Collection Statistics

  • 19,686 specimen records
  • 19,686 (100%) georeferenced
  • 14,606 (74%) with images (30,332 total images)
  • 19,490 (99%) identified to species
  • 75 families
  • 176 genera
  • 298 species
  • 304 total taxa (including subsp. and var.)

Extra Statistics

Show Geographic Distribution
Show Family Distribution
Collection Type: Observations
Management: Live Data managed directly within data portal
Last Update: 12 July 2017
Global Unique Identifier: 068ce307-4e84-4ab8-9c9e-159758a03546
Digital Metadata: EML File
Usage Rights:
Access Rights: Contact Anna K Monfils (monfi1ak@cmich.edu)
Taxon Distribution
Taxon Distribution
  • Parthenocissus (62)
  • Vitis (24)