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Pennsylvania State University Herbarium (PAC)

The Pennsylvania Agricultural College (PAC) Herbarium represents one of the oldest natural history collections at Penn State University. Established in 1859 with 3,000 specimens donated by Penn State’s first president Evan Pugh, the collection has since grown to over 100,000 items including mounted voucher specimens, seed vials and jars, and specimen jars which hold a portion of the algal collection.


  • Director: Claude dePamphilis, cwd3@psu.edu
  • Curator: Sarah Chamberlain, sjm20@psu.edu

Collection Statistics

  • 93,948 specimen records
  • 39,241 (42%) georeferenced
  • 93,890 (100%) with images (94,009 total images)
  • 91,084 (97%) identified to species
  • 259 families
  • 2,148 genera
  • 10,210 species
  • 10,764 total taxa (including subsp. and var.)

Extra Statistics

Collection Type: Preserved Specimens
Management: Live Data managed directly within data portal
Last Update: 21 February 2022
Global Unique Identifier: 512d3c7f-fb50-4ef3-b2fd-4e1847b513fc
Digital Metadata:EML File
Taxon Distribution
Taxon Distribution
  • Anacharis (3)
  • Elodea (29)
  • Halophila (3)
  • Hydrilla (1)
  • Limnobium (5)
  • Najas (67)
  • Stratiotes (2)
  • Thalassia (2)
  • Vallisneria (10)