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University of Wisconsin - Eau Claire Herbarium (UWEC)

Bionomia dataset badge

Wisconsin has a plethora of plant life! The UW-Eau Claire herbarium consists of over 10,000 plant specimens collected from western and central Wisconsin. The dried and pressed plants offer biology students a closer look at the complexity of a single plant. Classes like Plant Systematics, Vegetation Ecology, and Field Botany take special advantage of the herbarium.


  • Curator: Nora Mitchell, mitchenc@uwec.edu
  • Joe Rohrer, jrohrer@uwec.edu

Collection Statistics

  • 7,255 specimen records
  • 3,354 (46%) georeferenced
  • 7,247 (100%) identified to species
  • 113 families
  • 403 genera
  • 864 species
  • 1,058 total taxa (including subsp. and var.)

Extra Statistics

Collection Type: Preserved Specimens
Management: Live Data managed directly within data portal
Last Update: 16 June 2020
Global Unique Identifier: 503b3af6-cdb1-49b3-865d-1733687316db
Digital Metadata:EML File