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Muskegon Community College Herbarium, Michigan (MUSK)

The Muskegon Community College Herbarium has specimens dating from 1894 to the present day with 1,950 specimens and counting. Collectors include Cal Scott from West Bend, Wisconsin in 1974; MCC student Kathy Anderson in 1968; Reverend Clinton Frank of Hope College in 1917, MCC student Engelien de Bruin in 1987, who now teaches in the Netherlands, and Theresa Van Veelen, who taught at MCC and digitalized the herbarium in 2016.


  • Frank Suarez-Roman, frank.suarez-roman@muskegoncc.edu


Muskegon Community College
221 S. Quarterline Road
Muskegon, MI   49442
[1] 231 777 0672

Collection Statistics

  • 1,929 specimen records
  • 0 georeferenced
  • 1,672 (87%) with images (1,672 total images)
  • 1,493 (77%) identified to species
  • 138 families
  • 299 genera
  • 513 species
  • 527 total taxa (including subsp. and var.)

Extra Statistics

Collection Type: Preserved Specimens
Management: Live Data managed directly within data portal
Last Update: 9 July 2020
Global Unique Identifier: 426ba4ae-506b-47c5-a944-6347a9b25f64
Digital Metadata:EML File
Taxon Distribution
Taxon Distribution
  • Polytrichum (2)