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Hardin-Simmons University Herbarium (HSU)

Update: HSU transferred to BRIT on 4 November 2021. Contact the BRIT Herbarium, herbarium@brit.org. Founded in 1964, the Hardin-Simmons University Herbarium contains approximately 5,500 specimens, most of which are from Texas, and with a special emphasis on Taylor County. This herbarium collection is being digitized with support from the National Science Foundation (Award #:1902078) in collaboration with the Botanical Research Institute of Texas (contact: Tiana Rehman, trehman@brit.org).


  • Digitization Lead: Tiana Rehman, trehman@brit.org

Collection Statistics

  • 5,970 specimen records
  • 1,312 (22%) georeferenced
  • 5,145 (86%) with images (5,145 total images)
  • 5,763 (97%) identified to species
  • 149 families
  • 768 genera
  • 2,048 species
  • 2,304 total taxa (including subsp. and var.)

Extra Statistics

Collection Type: Preserved Specimens
Management: Live Data managed directly within data portal
Last Update:
Global Unique Identifier: fa909cad-9082-48ef-a65e-31ab4ee82eac
Digital Metadata:EML File
Taxon Distribution
Taxon Distribution
  • Aegilops (1)
  • Agropyron (8)
  • Agrostis (4)
  • Alopecurus (3)
  • Ammophila (1)
  • Andropogon (15)
  • Aristida (42)
  • Arundo (2)
  • Avena (9)
  • Beckmannia (1)
  • Bothriochloa (6)
  • Bouteloua (59)
  • Briza (1)
  • Bromus (34)
  • Buchloe (8)
  • Calamagrostis (3)
  • Cenchrus (16)
  • Chloris (18)
  • Cortaderia (1)
  • Cynodon (3)
  • Dactylis (2)
  • Deschampsia (2)
  • Digitaria (4)
  • Distichlis (2)
  • Echinochloa (6)
  • Elymus (29)
  • Eragrostis (32)
  • Eriochloa (4)
  • Erioneuron (11)
  • Festuca (7)
  • Fluminia (1)
  • Glyceria (2)
  • Helictotrichon (1)
  • Hierochloe (2)
  • Hilaria (5)
  • Holcus (2)
  • Hordeum (5)
  • Koeleria (6)
  • Leersia (2)
  • Leptochloa (11)
  • Leptoloma (1)
  • Lolium (6)
  • Manisuris (1)
  • Melica (1)
  • Muhlenbergia (4)
  • Nassella (13)
  • Oryzopsis (4)
  • Panicum (35)
  • Paspalum (11)
  • Phalaris (13)
  • Phleum (4)
  • Pleuraphis (1)
  • Poa (32)
  • Polypogon (2)
  • Puccinellia (1)
  • Schedonnardus (5)
  • Schismus (2)
  • Schizachyrium (1)
  • Secale (1)
  • Setaria (9)
  • Sitanion (3)
  • Sorghastrum (6)
  • Sorghum (12)
  • Sporobolus (19)
  • Stipa (7)
  • Trichachne (3)
  • Tridens (19)
  • Triodia (2)
  • Tripsacum (3)
  • Trisetum (1)
  • Triticum (2)
  • Uniola (3)
  • Urochloa (4)