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Cincinnati Museum Center, Cincinnati Museum of Natural History (CMNH-BOTANY)

The herbarium of the Cincinnati Museum Center (CMNH) houses ca. 500 specimens, mostly from a 1990s expedition to the Philippines.


  • Curator of Zoology: Heather Farrington, hfarrington@cincymuseum.org


Cincinnati Museum of Natural History
1301 Western Avenue
Cincinnati, OH   45203

Collection Statistics

  • 442 specimen records
  • 406 (92%) georeferenced
  • 424 (96%) with images (430 total images)
  • 80 (18%) identified to species
  • 92 families
  • 156 genera
  • 57 species
  • 60 total taxa (including subsp. and var.)

Extra Statistics

Collection Type: Preserved Specimens
Management: Live Data managed directly within data portal
Last Update: 7 March 2024
Global Unique Identifier: f5b2f918-74aa-4df6-8919-a762de528189
Digital Metadata:EML File
Rights Holder: Cincinnati Museum Center