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North Dakota State University Herbarium (NDA-Plants)

The NDSU Herbarium (NDA on Index Herbariorum) was founded in 1890 and contains an estimated 250,000 collections of vascular plants (sheet mounted) dating back to the mid-1800s. The geographic and taxonomic emphasis of the collection is the Northern Great Plains region. The herbarium houses collections from at least 58 countries representing more than 200 families (>2,500 genera) spanning the globe from the poles to the tropics.



North Dakota State University
1300 Albrecht Blvd
Hultz Hall 202
Fargo, North Dakota   58108
United States

Collection Statistics

  • 43,468 specimen records
  • 1,651 (4%) georeferenced
  • 5 (0.01%) with images (5 total images)
  • 43,171 (99%) identified to species
  • 147 families
  • 1,140 genera
  • 4,812 species
  • 4,817 total taxa (including subsp. and var.)

Extra Statistics

Collection Type: Preserved Specimens
Management: Live Data managed directly within data portal
Last Update: 20 June 2024
Global Unique Identifier: 1ed103ef-4db3-40cf-bc52-45c44e9a7b27
Digital Metadata:EML File
Rights Holder: North Dakota State University