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University of Science and Arts of Oklahoma (OCLA)

Number of Specimens: 22,000
Date Founded: 1971

Important Collectors: J. Harper

Taxonomic Coverage: Especially Orchidaceae
Geography: Oklahoma and adjacent areas; worldwide

[Updated September 2014]


  • Collections Manager: Rachel Jones, rjones@usao.edu, (405) 574-1292
  • Animal Collections Manager: Jason Shaw, jshaw@usao.edu


University of Science and Arts of Oklahoma
USAO Box 82533, 1727 West Alabama, Building A204
Chickasha, Oklahoma   73018-5358
[1] 405 574 1292

Collection Statistics

  • 11,896 specimen records
  • 11,676 (98%) georeferenced
  • 11,747 (99%) identified to species
  • 163 families
  • 696 genera
  • 1,720 species
  • 1,947 total taxa (including subsp. and var.)

Extra Statistics

Collection Type: Preserved Specimens
Management: Live Data managed directly within data portal
Last Update: 21 February 2024
Global Unique Identifier: c5c0955c-a3c8-492f-8aea-9d290303b909
Digital Metadata:EML File
Rights Holder: University of Science and Arts of Oklahoma