Taxa with Images

This page provides a complete list of taxa that have images. Use the controls below to browse and search for images by family, genus, or species.
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Calanthe alismifolia
Calanthe alpina
Calanthe angustifolia
Calanthe arisanensis
Calanthe aurantiaca
Calanthe calanthoides
Calanthe carrii
Calanthe ceciliae
Calanthe delavayi
Calanthe densiflora
Calanthe discolor
Calanthe discolor var. coreana
Calanthe dominyi
Calanthe engleriana
Calanthe graciliflora
Calanthe grandiflora
Calanthe herbacea
Calanthe hololeuca
Calanthe kooshunensis
Calanthe leucosceptrum
Calanthe lyroglossa
Calanthe lyroglossa var. lyroglossa
Calanthe masuca
Calanthe nipponica
Calanthe odora
Calanthe plantaginea
Calanthe puberula
Calanthe pulchra
Calanthe rubens
Calanthe striata
Calanthe sylvatica
Calanthe tricarinata
Calanthe triplicata
Calanthe undulata
Calanthe unifolia
Calanthe vestita
Calanthe wallichii