Taxa with Images

This page provides a complete list of taxa that have images. Use the controls below to browse and search for images by family, genus, or species.
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Iresine ajuscana
Iresine alternifolia
Iresine angustifolia
Iresine arbuscula
Iresine arenaria
Iresine argentata
Iresine calea
Iresine cassiniiformis
Iresine chrysotricha
Iresine completa
Iresine diffusa
Iresine diffusa var. diffusa
Iresine diffusa var. spiculigera
Iresine discolor
Iresine domingensis
Iresine flavescens
Iresine frutescens
Iresine grandis
Iresine hartmanii
Iresine hebanthoides
Iresine herbstii
Iresine herrerae
Iresine heterophylla
Iresine interrupta
Iresine latifolia
Iresine laxa
Iresine leptoclada
Iresine lindenii
Iresine nigra
Iresine nitens
Iresine obtusa
Iresine orientalis
Iresine pacifica
Iresine palmeri
Iresine paniculata
Iresine papantlana
Iresine pilgeri
Iresine portulacoides
Iresine pringlei
Iresine pulchella
Iresine rhizomatosa
Iresine rotundifolia
Iresine rzedowskii
Iresine schaffneri
Iresine tomentella
Iresine valdesii
Iresine vermicularis