Taxa with Images

This page provides a complete list of taxa that have images. Use the controls below to browse and search for images by family, genus, or species.
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Oxypetalum alpinum var. pallidum
Oxypetalum appendiculatum
Oxypetalum arachnoideum
Oxypetalum arnottianum
Oxypetalum attenuatum
Oxypetalum balansae
Oxypetalum banksii
Oxypetalum bellohorizontinum
Oxypetalum capitatum
Oxypetalum capitatum subsp. angustum
Oxypetalum capitatum subsp. mirabile
Oxypetalum chodatianum
Oxypetalum coccineum
Oxypetalum coeruleum
Oxypetalum cordifolium
Oxypetalum cordifolium subsp. pedicellatum
Oxypetalum corymbosum
Oxypetalum crispum
Oxypetalum dombeyanum
Oxypetalum dusenii
Oxypetalum erectum
Oxypetalum erianthum
Oxypetalum flavopurpureum
Oxypetalum gracile
Oxypetalum jacobinae
Oxypetalum karstenianum
Oxypetalum macrolepis
Oxypetalum malmei
Oxypetalum marginatum
Oxypetalum mexiae
Oxypetalum microphyllum
Oxypetalum molle
Oxypetalum montanum
Oxypetalum mosenii
Oxypetalum obtusifolium
Oxypetalum pachygynum
Oxypetalum pannosum
Oxypetalum parviflorum
Oxypetalum pentasetum
Oxypetalum pilosum
Oxypetalum pubescens
Oxypetalum schenckii
Oxypetalum stipatum
Oxypetalum sublanatum
Oxypetalum suboppositum
Oxypetalum subriparium
Oxypetalum tomentosum
Oxypetalum tubatum
Oxypetalum wightianum