Duration: Annual Life Form: Forb/Herb General:: Parasite, plants 5–35 cm, solitary or clustered, rarely branched Leaves: 4–10 mm, lanceolate to broadly ovate, glabrous Inflorescences: spike-like racemes, dark purple or lavender, viscid glandular-pubescent. Pedicels 0–5. calyx 8--12 mm. Corollas 15–20 mm, the tube white, lips 3–6 mm, lobe apex acute, tooth absent, often with 1–3 purple veins; upper lip dark purple, erect, the lobes triangular-acute or sometimes obtuse-rounded with denticulate margins. Stamens: anthers glabrous or sparsely woolly Ecology: Flowering June–Aug; pinyon-juniper woodlands, high desert, red sands; 1000–3000m Distribution: Ariz., Colo., N. Mex., NV, Utah Notes: The range is primarily north of the Mogollon Rim in Arizona, northward on the Colorado Plateau, and the southern half of Utah and adjacent Colorado, sporadic occurrence southward in Arizona to the Chiricahua and Dragoon Mountains (Cochise County). It previously identified as O. cooperi or O. ludoviciana. It is parasitic on Gutierrezia sarothrae.