Trees to 25 m, but often shrubby and less than 10 m; crown broader than tall or columnar, dense or open. Bark rough, furrowed, fibrous. Branchlets decussate, (1.5--)2--2.5 mm diam. Leaves usually with inconspicuous, shallow, pitlike, abaxial gland that usually does not produce drop of resin, often glaucous. Pollen cones mostly 3--4 ´ 2 mm; pollen sacs 3--4. Seed cones usually globose, mostly 2--2.5 cm, brown or gray, not glaucous; scales mostly 3--4 pairs, with scattered resin blisters, umbos inconspicuous or to 4 mm. Seeds 4--6 mm, dark brown, faintly to prominently glaucous.
Chaparral, foothill woodland, and lower montane forests, on serpentine; 200--1100 m; Calif.