Plants perennial; in dense tufts, not rhizomatous. Culms 60-100
cm, erect. Sheaths villous, particularly the lower sheaths; ligules
0.2-0.4, fimbriate; blades to 47 cm long, 1-2.1 mm wide, involute, glabrous
and smooth abaxially, scabrous adaxially, sometimes with a few long hairs near
the base. Panicles of 2-3(5) spikelike primary branches on elongate rachises;
primary branches 8-13(20) cm, narrowly winged, wings no more than 1/2 as
wide as the midribs, with spikelets in unequally pedicellate groups of 3-4(5);
secondary branches rarely present; longest pedicels to 5 mm. Spikelets
1.7-2.3 mm, elliptical, glabrous. Lower glumes absent; upper glumes
0.9-1 mm, less than 1/2 as long as the spikelets, 3-veined, glabrous, broadly
rounded to truncate; lower lemmas slightly shorter than the spikelets,
5-veined, glabrous; upper lemmas smooth, brown when immature, dark brown
at maturity. 2n = unknown.
Digitaria gracillima is a rare species, endemic to scrub and dry pinelands
of peninsular Florida. It used to be interpreted as including D.
bakeri, but differs from that species both morphologically and ecologically.