Plants annual. Stems erect, 20-70 cm, glabrous. Leaves cauline, sessile; blades lanceolate, margins serrate and hooked, tip acute, base attenuate. Flowers in a spike-like raceme; pedicels 1-2 mm, glabrous to slightly pubescent; hypanthium 1-2 mm; nectar spurs absent; calyx lobes 1-5 mm, strongly reflexed; corollas dark blue to purple to pale lavender, the tube 4-6 mm, with a dorsal slit and lateral “windows”; staminal column 1-2 mm; all 5 anthers tufted at tips. Fruit ¾ inferior, ascending, 3-6 mm. Seeds ovoid and faintly lined. Editor: I. Andrade-Munoz
Habitat: Common in open pinyon-juniper and pine-oak woodlands in moist meadows, and along streams at 1500-2500 meters elevation.
Distribution: Jalisco, Durango, Sonora, Michoacan, Mexico and Arizona, New Mexico and Texas, US.
Plantas anual. Tallos erectos, 20-70 cm, glabros. Hojas caulinares, sésiles; láminas lanceoladas, márgenes serratos y enganchados, punta aguda, base atenuada. Flores en un racimo como un espigo, ascendantes, alternando con hojas; pedicelos 1-2 mm, glabros a un poco pubescentes; hipanto 1-2 mm de largo, esponoles de néctar ausentes; lóbulos de cáliz 1-5 mm de largo, fuertemente reflejados; corolas morado y azul oscuro o lavanda, el tubo 4-6 mm de largo, con raja dorsal, con “ventanas” laterales; columno estaminal 1-2 mm de largo, todas 5 anteras con pelos erizados a las puntas. Fruto ¾ inferior, ascendente, 3-6 mm de largo. Semillas ovoides y ligeramente rayadas. Editora: I. Andrade-Munoz
Hábitat: Común en bosques de pino-junípero o pino-encino en praderas, y cerca de arroyos a 1500-2500 m de elevación.
Distribución: Jalisco, Durango, Sonora, Michoacan
Kearney and Peebles 1969
Duration: Annual Nativity: Native Lifeform: Forb/Herb General: Herbaceous annuals to biennials, stems erect to 70 cm tall, with milky juice. Leaves: Alternate, simple, mostly cauline, broad, often clasping at the base, the margins sharply serrate, blades without stipules. Flowers: Corollas showy purple, strongly bilabiate, perfect, 10 mm long or more, sympetalous, silt in the sides and down the dorsal side nearly to the base, filament tube 1.5-2.3 mm long, the anthers also united into a tube, 3 of them longer than the other 2, densely white-tufted at the tip, style solitary, inflorescences a single terminal raceme, occasionally with subordinate lateral inflorescences, flowers inverted in anthesis, the pedicel twisted. Fruits: Capsule. Seeds minute, numerous. Ecology: Found in moist areas, meadows and swales, from 5,000-6,000 ft (1524-1829 m); flowering August-November. Distribution: Texas to Arizona; Mexico. Notes: Look for this species in the Chiricahua, Huachuca, Patagonia, and potentially Baboquivari mountains. Synonyms: Dortmannia fenestralis, Rapuntium fenestrale Editor: LCrumbacher2012