Family: Euphorbiaceae |
Shrubs [herbs or subshrubs], dioecious [monoecious]; hairs stellate [unbranched or absent]; latex absent. Leaves persistent, alternate, simple; stipules present, persistent or caducous; petiole present [absent], glands absent; blade unlobed, margins coarsely crenate to crenate-serrate [serrate or entire], laminar glands usually abaxial, proximal, crateriform, occasionally absent on some leaves [absent]; venation pinnate (with strong secondary veins ascending from base). Inflorescences unisexual, axillary, often on short, lateral shoots; staminate spicate thyrses, pistillate flowers solitary [terminal spikes]; glands subtending bracts 0. Pedicels: staminate present, pistillate absent [present]. Staminate flowers: sepals 3(–4), valvate, distinct; petals 0; nectary intrastaminal, 1 to several glands; stamens 3–15(–20)[–50], ± straight in bud, distinct; pistillode absent. Pistillate flowers: sepals 3–5, distinct; petals 0; nectary absent [present]; pistil 2–3-carpellate; styles 2–3, distinct, 2-fid, branches flattened, adaxial surface stigmatic. Fruits capsules. Seeds subglobose; caruncle absent. x = 13. Distribution: sw, sc United States, Mexico, West Indies, Central America, South America. |