Stems 3-10 dm, ±clustered on a crown or caudex, commonly branched at or near the ground-level, copiously provided with short, mostly loosely spreading hairs; lvs opposite, or the upper alternate, tending to be broadest above the middle, oblanceolate to obovate or nearly elliptic, tapering to the base, few-toothed or entire, triplinerved,
2-5 cm נ5-18 mm, glandular-punctate, often less hairy than the stem, the axillary shoots of the middle and lower ones commonly elongating into slender, mostly sterile branches with reduced lvs; invol 4-7 mm, coarsely villous-puberulent and atomiferous-glandular, its bracts imbricate, broadly rounded to acute, the inner inconspicuously scarious-margined; fls 5; cor white, 3-5 mm; 2n=20, 30, 40. Pine and oak woods, mostly in dry, sandy soil or in sand-hills; se. Va. to c. Fla. and w. to Miss. Aug., Sept. Triploids with oblanceolate lvs ca 5 mm wide may reflect hybridization with E. hyssopifolium. E. tortifolium Chapm. and E. linearifolium Walter (as used by Fernald) may be such hybrids.
Gleason, Henry A. & Cronquist, Arthur J. 1991. Manual of vascular plants of northeastern United States and adjacent Canada. lxxv + 910 pp.