Rhizomes horizontal, short. Culms densely cespitose, 10--30(--35) cm. Leaves: basal blade green, 5--10 cm x 2--4 mm, firm, essentially glabrous; cauline leaves 2--3, 3--7 cm x 3--5 mm. Inflorescences: branches spreading less than 90°, lax; proximal inflorescence bract leaflike, 0.8--1.5 cm; bracts and bracteoles brown, clear at apex, margins strongly ciliate. Flowers single or in clusters of 2--3; tepals dark brown, 1--2.5 mm, ± equal, apex acute, not reflexed; anthers ± equaling filament length; stigmas 5 times style length. Capsules dark brown, ellipsoid, shorter than 2.5 mm, longer than tepals; beak absent. Seeds light yellow-brown, lanceolate, narrowed at ends, 1.2 mm. 2n = 24.
Flowering and fruiting summer. Snowbeds and mesic heaths in subalpine and oceanic zones; 400--2400 m; Alta., B.C., Yukon; Alaska, Idaho, Mont., Oregon, Wash.; e Asia.