Perennials, 20-30+ cm; rhizomatous (rhizomes horizontal to erect, not branched), sometimes stoloniferous. Stems 1, irregularly lanate or tomentose. Basal leaves (and proximal cauline) petiolate; blades orbiculate, ovate, oblanceolate, or rhombic, 20-50+ × 20-40+ mm, bases tapering, sometimes obtuse, margins coarsely dentate to crenate-dentate. Cauline leaves gradually to abruptly reduced (petioles broad-winged, clasping, blades obovate, bases tapering, margins irregularly dentate; distal sessile, linear to lanceolate, entire). Heads 1-3+. Peduncles bracteate, lanate or tomentose distally. Calyculi conspicuous. Phyllaries 21, green (tips sometimes deep red), 8-10+ mm, densely tomentose proximally, sparsely tomentose distally. Ray florets 8-10(-13); corolla laminae (red-orange) 8-15+ mm. Disc florets 35-65+; corolla tubes 4-5 mm, limbs 5-6 mm. Cypselae 1.5-2.5 mm, glabrous; pappi 8-11 mm. 2n = 40, 46, 92.
Flowering mid May-early Jul. Dry, rocky, usually serpentine soils, open scrub-pine associations; of conservation concern; 100-1600 m; Calif.
Packera greenei is known from Coast Ranges of northern California. It has relatively large heads and bright orange-red ray corollas; its leaves are usually cyanic abaxially.