Duration: Annual Nativity: Native Lifeform: Forb/Herb General: Habit: Annual, strigose or hairs spreading. Stem: 3--75 cm. Leaves: Leaf: generally basal, simple to 1-pinnate; terminal leaflet < 65 mm, lateral leaflets generally < 10 mm or 0. Flowers: Inflorescence: nodding. Flower: opening at dawn; hypanthium 3--8 mm; sepals 5--9 mm, tips in bud generally free and +- terminal; petals 3--18 mm, yellow, rarely bases red-dotted; stamens +- equal. Fruits: Fruit: 18--92 mm, ascending to spreading, cylindric, straight or curved; pedicel 2--20 mm. Seed: 1--1.5 mm. Ecology: Found in dry washes and desert plains, below 4,500 ft (1371 m); flowers Feb-May. Distribution: NV, w AZ, se CA. Synonyms: Chylismia brevipes, Oenothera brevipes