Stems 3.5-7(-8) dm. Cauline leaves sessile; leaf blades ovate, oblong, to lanceolate, (1-)1.5-4 cm × 4-14(-16) mm, base always clasping stem, amplexicaul to strongly auriculate (auricles ovate, 3-9 × 2-6 mm), apex acute to obtuse. Racemes 1-5(-8) cm in fruit. Fruiting pedicels 8-15 mm. Flowers: sepals white or pinkish, spreading or strongly reflexed, 5-8 × 0.4-0.6 mm; petals white, pink, or purple, broadly obovate to orbicular, 7-10 mm, blade 3-5 × 2-4 mm, claw 4-5 mm, minutely papillate, margins entire; filaments 12-15 mm; anthers 1-1.5 mm; gynophore slender, (8-)10-15 mm. Fruits (3-)4-7 cm × 1.3-1.5 mm; ovules 24-32 per ovary. Seeds 1-1.5 × 0.6-0.8 mm.
Flowering Aug-Sep. Sandy areas, woods, oak scrub, pine barrens; of conservation concern; 0-50 m; Fla.
Warea amplexifolia is known from Lake, Orange, Osceola, and Polk counties. It is in the Center for Plant Conservation´s National Collection of Endangered Plants.