Plants usually prostrate and straggling; trichomes (lower layer) smoother, (upper layer) moderately tuberculate, much less so over flat or mounded center. Basal leaves: blade margins sinuate or lobed, or, sometimes, lyrate. Racemes not secund, elongated and loose in fruit. Fruiting pedicels usually sigmoid. Petals yellow. Fruits slightly wider than long, apex truncate or retuse; valves pubescent inside; septum fenestrate; ovules 4-6 per ovary; style to 9 mm. 2n = 10.
Flowering May-Aug. Talus slopes, gravelly flood banks, steep limestone cliffs, rock crevices, marble chiprock, sandy and gravelly soils; 1200-3000 m; Oreg.
Subspecies diversifolia is found in the Elkhorn and Wallowa mountains.