Schoenoplectus acutus var. occidentalis(S. Watson) S. G. Sm. (redirected from: Scirpus x rubiginosus Beetle)
Family: Cyperaceae
[Schoenoplectus acutus f. congestus (Farw.) Mohlenbr., moreSchoenoplectus rubiginosus (Beetle) Soják p.p., Scirpus acutus f. congestus (Farw.) Fernald, Scirpus acutus var. occidentalis (S. Watson) Beetle, Scirpus malheurensis L.F.Hend., Scirpus occidentalis (S. Watson) Chase, Scirpus occidentalis var. congestus Farw., Scirpus rubiginosus A.A. Beetle, Scirpus x rubiginosus Beetle]
Culms dark to light green, 1-4 m × 4-12 mm, firm to soft, larger air cavities in distal 1/4, 1-2.5 mm wide. Leaves: sheath fronts mostly delicately pinnate-fibrillose. Inflorescences to 3 times branched, branches sometimes flexible and drooping. Spikelets 4-190, 6-24 × 4 mm. Flowers: perianth bristles (4-)6(-8), equaling to less than 1/2 achene body, rarely rudimentary; styles from 2-fid with few 3-fid at spikelet apex to mostly (or all) 3-fid. Achenes plano-convex or compressed obtusely trigonous.
Fruiting (spring-)summer(-fall). Fresh, often calcareous to brackish marshes, fens, lakes, slow streams, often emergent in water to 1.5 m; 0-2100 m; B.C.; Ariz., Calif., Colo., Idaho, Mont., Nev., N.Mex., Oreg., Tex., Utah, Wash., Wyo.; n Mexico.
Schoenoplectus acutus var. occidentalis forms sterile hybrids with S. californicus in California (S. G. Smith 1995; see 1. S. tabernaemontani).