Family: Asteraceae |
Annuals, 5-40 cm (self-incompatible; herbage strongly scented). Stems erect (branched, branchlets relatively many, commonly spreading, threadlike, densely glandular, scabrous to shaggy-hairy). Leaves mostly cauline; alternate; sessile; blades linear, margins entire, faces hispidulous and glandular (proximally ± ciliate or shaggy-hairy). Heads radiate, in loose, cymiform arrays. Peduncular bracts with tack-glands 0 (strigillose, strongly glandular, margins often proximally pectinate, ciliate). Involucres ovoid, 2-4 mm diam. Phyllaries falling, 3-5 in 1 series (each partly enveloping a ray cypsela, apices acute to attenuate). Receptacles flat, glabrous, paleate (paleae persistent, in 1 series between rays and discs, connate, forming cups, distinct apices acute, often apiculate). Ray florets 3-5, pistillate, fertile; corollas wholly or mostly white (laminae 3-lobed, lobes sometimes each with prominent medial red blotch, overall often fading reddish, sinuses ± equaling laminae). Disc florets 3-10, bisexual, fertile; corollas usually wholly white, sometimes lobes each with prominent medial red blotch or reddish overall, tubes shorter than throats, lobes 5, deltate (anthers ± dark purple; styles glabrous proximal to branches). Cypselae (rays) ± obcompressed (± 3-angled, abaxial sides usually broadly 2-faced, angles between those faces usually 90+°, adaxial sides nearly flat), apices beaked, beaks off center, faces rugose, glabrous; or (discs) narrowly clavate, appressed-hairy; pappi (rays) 0, or (discs) of 4-5 lance-attenuate to aristate scales alternating with 4-5 shorter, ± fimbriate scales. x = 9. |