Storage roots enlarged 2-8 cm from corms, 2-5 cm, or thickened throughout. Leaves: basal (2-)5-12, 15-50 cm × 4-12(-16) mm, blade narrowly linear to narrowly elliptic, margins entire, often short-ciliate; cauline 1-5, 6.5-27 cm, blade long-acuminate, the proximal usually exceeding next node. Inflorescence 1, 0-4-branched, 18-76 cm, glabrous or scabrescent. Flowers facing outward or somewhat declinate; tepals elliptic, 10-20 mm, outer 2.5-4.5 mm wide, inner 4.5-8 mm wide; filaments inserted in covered pits, narrowly cylindric, (4-)5-9.5 mm; anthers distinct, usually not versatile, usually twisted and/or reflexed, thus appearing versatile, 2-3 mm; ovary 2-5 mm. Capsules broadly oblong to oblong, 8-14 × 5-7 mm.
Flowering Apr, May, Aug--Dec. Coastal plains, piedmont; 0--1000 m; Tex.; Mexico (San Luis Potosí, Tamaulipas).