Perennial 3-8 dm from a short, branching caudex, glabrous or soon glabrate except sometimes in the axils; lvs thin, the basal elliptic or broadly ovate, tapering or subtruncate at base, serrate, evidently petiolate, the blade to 6 נ4 cm; cauline lvs sharply incised-pinnatifid, the lobes irregularly again few-toothed, reduced and becoming sessile upwards; heads mostly 6-40, yellow, discoid or rarely with short rays; invol 7-10 mm, its bracts often purple-tipped; achenes glabrous; 2n=46. Moist woods, streambanks, swales, and bogs; Que. to Alas., s. to n. Mich., Wyo., and Wash.; n. Calif. July, Aug. (S. discoideus, misapplied)
Gleason, Henry A. & Cronquist, Arthur J. 1991. Manual of vascular plants of northeastern United States and adjacent Canada. lxxv + 910 pp.