Culms developing prop roots from the lower nodes. Sheaths
with 1-3 mm, stiff, papillose-based hairs; ligules 1-1.3 mm, light brown;
blades (9)20-50(60) cm long, 10-20(25) mm wide, glabrous abaxially, adaxial
surfaces mostly sparsely pubescent, densely pubescent behind the ligules, hairs
papillose-based. Rames (3)6-15 cm long, 2-4 mm wide; internodes
6-12 mm. Sessile spikelets: lower glumes 3.5-7 mm long, 1.4-2
mm wide, convex to flat, 11-13(15)-veined, apices bifid; upper glumes
5-6.2 mm, navicular, almost completely enclosing the florets, (13)15-17-veined;
anthers of lower florets 2.2-2.3 mm; anthers of upper florets
1.2-2.1 mm; stigmas purple. Pedicels 3-6.5 mm long, 1.5-2.2 mm
wide, flat. Pedicellate spikelets 3-8 mm, sterile. Caryopses 3-4
mm long, 2-2.2 mm wide. 2n = 20, 40.
Rottboellia cochinchinensis is a native of southeast Asia. The
species is considered one of the world's worst weeds, and is classified
as a noxious weed by the U.S. Department of Agriculture. It is established
in the southeastern United States, and has been reported from scattered
locations elsewhere in the contiguous United States. In Africa, it is
controlled by tillage or by fire, followed by shallow, then deep, plowing
(Hall and Patterson 1992). Itchgrass aptly describes the effects of
the hairs on the skin.