Plants perennial (rarely annual); cespitose. Culms 0.5-8 m, weakly lignified, erect, arching, climbing, or decumbent, rooting at the nodes. Sheaths open; ligules membranous, sometimes ciliate; pseudopetioles sometimes present; blades linear to ovate, bases slightly to strongly asymmetric. Inflorescences open or contracted panicles, rachises usually visible, even distally, spikelets attached obliquely to the pedicels; disarticulation below the glumes. Spikelets subglobose to globose, with 2 florets. Glumes membranous, apices lanate pubescent, abruptly apiculate; lower glumes 1/3-2/3 as long as the spikelets, 5-13-veined, bases saccate, margins overlapping; upper glumes about as long as the upper florets, not saccate, 7-15-veined; lower florets sterile or staminate; lower lemmas membranous, apices lanate pubescent, abruptly apiculate; lower paleas present, sometimes reduced; upper florets stipitate, bisexual, appearing to be mucronate or acuminate; upper lemmas indurate, usually broadly elliptic to obovate, margins enclosing the edges of the paleas, apices obtuse, somewhat woolly pubescent, usually dark brown at maturity; upper paleas similar to the lemmas, but saccate below and gibbous above. Caryopses plano-convex, ovoid, or nearly orbicular; embryo about 1/2 as long as the caryopses; hila oblong to nearly round. x = 9. Name from the Greek lasios, woolly, and akis, point, referring to the tuft of wool at the apex of the spikelets.
This project was made possible in part by the Institute of Museum and Library Services [MG-70-19-0057-19].