Stems moderately soft-villous (longest hairs ca. 1 mm), sometimes sparsely proximally. Leaves: basal and proximal cauline: petioles distally winged, 2-8 cm, moderately villous, blades broadly to narrowly ovate, 40-100 × 30-80 mm, bases cordate or attenuate, margins serrate, teeth acuminate, faces abaxially moderately short-strigose, hairs longer on larger nerves, adaxially less short-strigose; mid and distal cauline: petioles reduced distally to 1 / 4 lengths of blades in arrays, blades similar to proximal, reduced distally to 1 cm. Heads 1-4(-10) per lateral branch; 1-4 proximal branches to 10+ cm. Peduncles shorter than internodes, thin, strigose; bracteoles proximal to heads linear, strigose. Phyllaries: lengths of outer 2 times inner, apices long-acuminate, both faces apically villoso-strigose. Disc floret corollas 4-5 mm, narrow tubes bright green, limbs 50-60% length of corolla, lobes 1.5-2 mm, 75% length of limbs; anthers faintly tinted rose-purple; style branches linear-lanceolate, abaxially hispidulous proximally, otherwise finely papillate, abaxial-marginal stigmatic lines along proximal 2 / 5. Cypselae golden brown to dark brown, 3-4 mm. 2n = 18.
Flowering Aug-Oct. Sandy soils, rich, sometimes swampy woods; 10-200 m; Ala., Fla., Ga., La., Miss.
Brintonia discoidea grows on the Gulf coastal plain east of the Mississippi River and in the extreme southern valley and ridge province in northern Alabama.