Herbs , annual, from slender taproots. Leaves all cauline at anthesis, alternate, proximal leaves petiolate, distal leaves nearly sessile. Leaf blade palmately finely dissected, ±semicircular, lobes less than 2 mm wide (except sometimes on leaves near base of stem), margins entire. Inflorescences terminal, 3-45(-75)-flowered racemes, 5-30 cm; bracts leaflike, not forming involucre. Flowers bisexual, bilaterally symmetric; sepals not persistent in fruit, 5; upper sepal 1, spurred, 5-18 mm; lateral sepals 2, elliptic or lanceolate, sometimes spurred, 5-18 mm; lower sepals 2, similar to lateral sepals; petals 2, connate, blue to purple, pink, or white, spurred, spur enclosed in upper sepal, 1-2-lobed, 3-8 mm; nectary on spur; stamens many; filaments with base expanded; staminodes absent between stamens and pistils; pistil 1, simple; ovules several per pistil; style present. Fruits follicles, solitary, sessile, ±cylindric, sides smooth; beak terminal, straight, 1-2 mm. Seeds dark brown to black, obpyramidal to 3-angled. x =8.
All species of Consolida included here are cultivated in North America. Consolida regalis has been reported to self-sow for many years. Inclusion of the other four species is based on herbarium specimens with label data indicating that the specimens were collected from sites not under cultivation at the time.