PLANT: Herbs glabrous or pubescent, to 30 cm tall. LEAVES: basal and cau¬line; basal leaves petioled, the blades 5-15 cm long, elliptic-oblong with a truncate or cordate base, the margins entire; cauline leaves sessile, and clasping, 1-3 small, petioled leaves in the axils. INFLORESCENCE: terminal compact conic spikes subtended by showy white or reddish petaloid bracts. FLOWERS: 75-150, each subtended by a white, obovate bract with a narrow claw; stamens 6-8; pistil 3(-4)-carpelled, the ovary inferior, the styles and stigmas distinct. SEEDS: 6-10. NOTES: 1 sp. w U.S. (Greek: Anemone + opsis = like). REFERENCES: Mason, Charles T., Jr. 1999. Saururaceae. Ariz. - Nev. Acad. Sci. 32(1).