Family: Brassicaceae |
Annuals, biennials, or, rarely, perennials; not scapose; densely pubescent throughout, trichomes usually subsessile and stellate, mixed with minutely stalked, dendritic ones, rarely unbranched. Stems erect [ascending], unbranched or branched proximally, branched distally. Leaves basal and cauline; petiolate or sessile; basal not rosulate, petiolate, blade margins dentate, pinnatifid, or lobed; cauline sessile, subsessile, or shortly petiolate, blade (base not auriculate), margins entire or lobed. Racemes (corymbose), considerably elongated in fruit. Fruiting pedicels divaricate, sometimes ascending or slightly reflexed, slender. Flowers: sepals widely spreading to reflexed, oblong, (equal), lateral pair not saccate basally; petals (spreading), white or lavender, obovate (longer than sepals), claw well-differentiated from blade, (apex rounded); stamens (somewhat spreading), tetradynamous; filaments not dilated basally; anthers oblong [sagittate]; nectar glands distinct, lateral and median present; (gynophore to 0.5 mm). Fruits silicles, subsessile, breaking into two 1-seeded units at maturity, didymous, suborbicular, or broader than long, winged, strongly angustiseptate; valves keeled, enclosing seeds when falling off, not winged, narrowly winged, or margined, indurated around margin, glabrous or pubescent; replum concealed by valve margin; septum complete (ca. 0.1 mm wide); ovules 2 per ovary; style relatively short or obsolete, (terete or flattened); stigma conical, decurrently 2-lobed (appearing entire). Seeds aseriate, strongly flattened, not winged, broadly oblong to suborbicular; seed coat (smooth), not mucilaginous when wetted; cotyledons accumbent to obliquely incumbent. x = 9. |