Family: Cleomaceae |
Herbs, annual or perennial (unscented). Stems sparsely or profusely branched; glandular-pubescent, viscid. Leaves: stipules absent or minute; petiole without pulvinus distally; leaflets 3. Inflorescences terminal or axillary (from distal leaves), racemes (flat-topped); bracts present (pedicels green to purple, glandular-pubescent). Flowers slightly zygomorphic; (receptacle prolonged into gland adaxially); sepals deciduous, distinct, equal; petals unequal (adaxial pair larger); stamens 8-32; filaments inserted on gynophore, (unequal), glabrous; anthers (ellipsoid), not coiling as pollen is released; gynophore ascending in fruit. Fruits capsules, dehiscent in distal 1/2 , cylindric, oblong. Seeds 12-65, globose or subglobose, not arillate, (cleft fused between ends). x = 10. Pet unequal (the adaxial pair the longer), long- clawed, emarginate to deeply erose or laciniate; stamens 6-many, unequal; receptacle bearing a prominent, fleshy, apically concave (seldom truncate), brightly colored, adaxial gland between the cor and androecium; stamens 6-27, unequal, the outer shorter; style short to elongate; fr sessile or short-stipitate, erect, reticulate-veiny, stipitate-glandular, the valves persistent; malodorous, viscid-hairy annuals with trifoliolate lvs and terminal racemes of white or ochroleucous to pinkish fls. 4, N. Amer. (Cristatella) Gleason, Henry A. & Cronquist, Arthur J. 1991. Manual of vascular plants of northeastern United States and adjacent Canada. lxxv + 910 pp. ©The New York Botanical Garden. All rights reserved. Used by permission. |